1. Hospital Aliança
– AP170/09 – Male, 65 y/o. Cerebral tumor in the left parietal lobe. Glioma?
– Metastasis of Melanoma (MM excised from the skin 5 years ago, S-100 and HMB45 positive; GFAP, EMA, AE1-AE3 negative; Ki67: 40%)
2. Basque country – Case (Dr. José Lopez)
– B07/19557 – Female, 72 y/o. Tumor in the cerebellum.
– Cerebellar liponeurocytoma, WHO grade II (GFAP, synaptophysin, chromogranin positive)
3. Lab. Salomão & Zoppi
– AP0109-11557 – Male, 61 y/o. A soft tissue tumor in the thoracic region. An oval tumoral mass, measuring 6.7 x 4.8 x 2.6 cm, whitish, glistening at the cut surface and firm-elastic was excised.
– Desmoplastic fibroblastoma (collagenous fibroma)
(Vim, 1A4 positive) (Miettinen & Fetsch; Human Pathol 29:676-82, 1998)
4. Case sent by Dr. Michael den Bakker
– H08-1250 – Male, 15 y/o. Tumor in the parotid gland.
– NUT midline carcinoma (NMC)
(EBER, CD99 negative; NUT-BRD4 translocation; t-15;19)
(French CA et al. Cancer Res 63: 304-07, 2003; J Clin Oncol 22: 4135-39, 2004)
5. Lab. Pathos Case
– Female, 38 y/o. A 1 year-history of a nodule in the jugal mucosa adjacent to the inferior pole of the parotid.
– Clear cell carcinoma (CK7 positive; GFAP negative)
6. H.C. Ribeirão Preto, USP
– Female, 24 y/o – Hepatosplenomegaly with hypoechoic lesions at the US examination. A wedge biopsy of the liver.
– Initial liver bx: Mesenchymal hamartoma
– Two years later: Liver transplantation: Large B-cell lymphoma: CD20, CD9 positive; Ki67 = 70%
– In the follow-up: Lymphoma involvement of the small intestine (B-cell)
P.S. The case will be rediscuted in the next meeting: Congo-red for amyloid?; Lymphoma in the first bx?; In situ hybridization for EBV?
7. Basque country – Case (Dr. José Lopez)
– B08/20825 – Male, 70 y/o. Tumor located in the left lung, lower lobe. The tumor measured 3.5 cm and had a whitish bilobated (endobronchial and intraparenchymatous) appearance. Two regional lymph nodes with metastases.
– Low grade mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the bronchial glands.
8. EPM
– B09/4498 – A woman, 55 y/o, was found to have several pulmonary nodules with no symptomatology. Two were resected. In September 1987, she was submitted to a hysterectomy which revealed several subserosal and intramural nodules up to 8.0 cm in diameter.
– Benign mestastasizing leiomyoma (The patient is alive and well. Unfortunately the hysterectomy material was not any longer available)
9. Dr. Sergio González Case
– B438.423 – Female, 9 y/o. Presented with an abdominal tumor. Multiple peritoneal nodules at the laparotomy.
– Peritoneal gliomatosis associated with an ovarian immature teratoma (1250 g) (GFAP positive)
10. Suster’s Case
–SS-C08/18690 – Male, 32 y/o – Left renal cell cancer.
– PNET of the kidney (primary) (CD99, enolase positive; S-100, TdT, WT1 negative; t (11;22); Trisomy of the 7 chromosome)
– Male, 21 y/o. Skin lesion in the scalp measuring 4.5 x 3.0 x 0.5 cm.
– Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B phenotype)
(CD20, CD10, TdT, CD43, Bcl2 positive; CD5, Cyclin, CD23, negative) (Bone marrow not involved) (Am J Clin Pathol 115: 868-75, 2004)
12. UNESP, Botucatu – Case (CD)
– Female, 36 y/o. Fever, asthenia, microcytic and hypochromic anemia, lymphocytopenia, hepatosplenomegaly. Lymphoproliferative disease? Gaucher??
– Hanseniasis (leprosy) (Ziehl-Nielsen positive; a skin lesion positive)