1. Sta Casa de São Paulo
B11009795 - Tumor in the superior pole of the left kidney detected in an intra-uterine US. The boy was submitted to a left nephro-adrenalectomy. A. 3 cm in diameter, whistish, firm, with irregular contours, limited to the kidney, mass was detected.
- Mesoblastic nephoma
(P.S. Case not presented)
2. Case Porto
– H10-2282 – A 15 y/o boy presented with a mass (9 g; 3x3x1.5 cm) in the soft tissue below the right knee.
- Calcified synovial sarcoma
(Positive: EMA, Bcl2, AE1-AE3 focal.
Negative: S-100, calretenin; X-18 translocation positive).
3. Case Patocito - Hosp. Aliança
– 65 y/o woman, History of a colonic adenocarcinoma resected 4 years ago. Now
a pulmonary nodule was resected (metastasis?).
- Pulmonary adenocarcinoma (primary)
(Positive: TTF1, Surfactant, CK7, CK20; Negative: CDX2, Villin)
P.S. The IHC profile of the intestinal adenocarcinoma was the opposite of the pulmonary
lesion, which was then interpreted as a second malignancy with histological features similar to the intestinal type of pulmonary carcinoma.
4. Case UNESP - Botucatu
– B3915/10 – 57 y/o man. A hard, hemorrhagic cerebelar mass, with intracranial hypertension. A past history of a lesion in the proximal region of the right femur and soft tissue. Irregular fragments of soft, brownish tissue, measuring 1.5 cm were received.
- Anaplastic plasmocytoma metastatic to the CNS.
(Positive: CD138, Kappa, p53, Ki-67: 30%, EMA)
5. Case Spain - Basco Country
– Male, 77, with a tumor mass in the hepatic caudate lobe.
- Colangiocarcinoma arising in a biliar hamartoma (Von Meyenburg complex)
(Positive: CEA, CK7, CK20).
6. Case Basco Country
– Female 48, intrarenal cyst with a solid pole, 2.5 cm in diameter. No tumor elsewhere.
- Primary renal carcinoid tumor. Positive: synapthophysin, chromogramin,
AE1–AE3 dot.
7. Salomão & Zoppi
– IHO110-612 – 56 y/o, woman. A 9.0 cm in diameter, 119 g tumoral mass in the soft tissue of the sacrococcigeal region.
- MPNST with heterologous components: chondroid, glandular, rhabdomyoblastic.
Positive: S-100, focal; Desmin, focal, Myogenin, focal; 1A4, HHF-35 focal.
P.S. The patient has no other feature of NF1.
8. Case From Australia (internet case)
- Prostate bx
- Basal cell hyperplasia with clear cell change and mucin production.
9. Case Bahia – Thyroid case
- Case presented in the last meeting
- Follicular adenoma with spindle cell metaplasia ( TTF1 and thyroglobulin