14/05/2011 - CAMPINAS



1.  São Luiz do Maranhão-Lab. Cytos (Dr. Pablo Furtado) - EPM
 B11-6481 – A 29 y/o man with a tumor in the peri-testicular region.
    - Adenomatoid tumor.

2. Hospital Aliança – Bahia
A 56 y/o, woman
    A sessile vesical tumor with involvement of the muscle layer.
    - Urinary bladder : Mulleriosis.

     – B280210 - 
72 y/o, man,
    A nodule in the liver found in a routine US examination.
    - Pseudoacinar hepatocarcinoma associated with hemachromatosis (cirrhosis).

4.  Case Porto  
    – Porto Case A10-/53 – A 20 week-old fetus
    Fetal hydropsia. Skelectal dysplasia.
    Fragment of liver from the autopsy.
    - Parvovirosis infection (confirmed by IHC)

5.  Lab. Salomão & Zoppi   
 – IH/110-1740 - 75 y/o, woman, splenectomy.
   Spleen weighing 911.0 g and measuring 18 x 12 x 9.5 cm, showing at the cut  
   surface a red tissue with whitish small nodules. In the hylar region, 18 nodular 
   structures were isolated, up to 4.0 cm in diameter.
   - Diffuse mastocytosis
   (CD20, CD3, DBA44 negative; CD68, CD43, C-Kit positive; Giemsa & Toluidine   blue positive) 

6. Lab. Jorge Furtado - Uberaba –M.G.
    – B37/15378-258 – 15 y/o, girl, Bx. from the left leg. 
     A lobulated, hard, inflammatory nodule. Gross features: epidermis with  
   erythema. Cut surface, yellowish tissue in the dermis and subcutis.  
    - Primary cutaneous CD30 lymphoma (DD with lymphomatoid papuloses, 
    type A ( An J Surg Pathol 2010; 34: 1168; Sem. Pathol 2009; 26: 131)

7UNESP - Botucatu  
     - A 63 y/o, woman, 
    A cervical left nodule, level I, measuring 3.5 x 2.0 cm
    - Chronic sclerosing sialonadenitis, IgG4 related (Kuttner tumor).

    - A 48 y/o man presented with a small nodule in the right parotid gland.
    PAAF revealed insufficient material. The patient was then submitted to a partial parotidectomy.
    Adenoma and hyperplasia of intercalated ducts- IDLs-hybrid form (see Weinreb IS et al. Amer J Surg Pathol. 2009; 33: 1322-9).

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