26/11/2011 - RIBEIRÃO PRETO



1. FMB- UNESP- Botucatu
- 53 y/o man. A tumor in the pineal region with bilateral thalamic infiltration.
D: Germinoma (3.6 g). Parinaud syndrome. PLAP, c-Kit, KI-67 positive. GFAP, betaHCG, AE1-AE3 negative.

2. Promed- Uberaba- Minas Gerais- B441720

- 91 y/o woman. A tumor in the scalp. Fragments measuring altogether 2.6 cm and weighing 4.5 g. The external  surface is irregular, with nodules, and dark brownish in color.

D: Proliferating thrichilemmal tumor (benign). J. Cut. Pathol.  2003; 30: 492-98. Amer J Clin Pathol. 2004; 122: 566-74.


3. Case Porto - Portugal – H09/5288

- A 68 y/o man presented with a gastric neoplasia.

D: Gastric Lymphoepithelioma (Gastric medullary carcinoma – pT2; pN1). EBV positive. CD8 positive in the lymphoid cells.


4. Case EPM- Dr. Vitor

- 44 y/o woman. A 4.0 cm in diameter renal tumor.

D: Mixed epithelial-stromal tumor of the kidney. (Hormonal receptors, CK, vim positive).


5. Case ICESP-FMUSP- B2011-4773

- 55 y/o woman.  A nodule in the left kidney, measuring 3.8 cm. A partial nephrectomy was carried out.

D: Metanephric adenoma. CK7 focal. WT1 positive. KI-67 positive difuse.


6. Case from Vitória - Espírito Santo- B11-3577

- 29 y/o woman. Peritoneal nodules. Previous history: an abdominal surgery due to trauma 3 months ago.

D: Ascaris in the omentum with granulomatous inflammation around the parasitic eggs. Previous history of an abdominal bullet injury. Case seen in consultation by Dr. Ronald Neafie - AFIP).


7.  Salomão & Zoppi- CO2006-08

- 48 y/o woman. Tumor in the retroperitoneum at the right side, measuring 19.0 x 8.0 x 3.5 cm and comprised by a grayish tissue with cysts of variable size.

D: Epithelioid PEComa. Vim, SMActin, caldesmon, desmin, hormonal receptors positive. HMB45 focal. CD117, CD1A, CD10 negative. (Hornick & Fletcher. Amer J Surg Pathol 2008; 32: 493-501; Martignoni G et al. Virchows 2008; 452: 119-32).


8. Case from Hospital Aliança- Bahia

- 53 y/o woman. A cystic tumor in the right ovary, weighing 1,200 g and measuring 15.0 x 15.0 x 11.0 cm.

*Case not presented.

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